Sunday, April 24, 2011

Being Feminine

I have had so many blogs on my mind and heart for a while now. With a gentle nudge from a friend I opted to go with this one.  First let me say that with most all of my blogs this is my opinion. I have a lot of opinions. I am not meaning to offend anyone or say that my way is the best way. Just another way.

      When you think of feminine what do you think of? A girl/woman with long hair? A woman wearing a dress or skirt? I used to think that being feminine (and modesty)  was more about what was on the inside than what was on the outside. How do you know which bathroom to go into at the restaurant? Because one of them has a dress on!
      I have always been more of a "tomboy" I never liked the idea of parading around in a dress, and doing "girly" things. I wanted to do what the boys were doing. Growing up, there was a period in my life where I was made to wear dresses or skirts. Unless I was doing something that was more practical to do wearing pants. (like riding a horse or hiking, etc). That lead me to rebel as soon as I was able! From that point on I very rarely wore dresses, only if it was a fancy occasion.
     I have recently been giving this whole modesty and feminity thing another chance. It started out because of my girls. They both LOVE dresses and skirts (well Adelaide likes skirts, Charlotte has no love for them). I on the other hand, most ALWAYS wear pants. Lets face it. One of my biggest concerns is having my 3rd born come up behind me, when out in public and lift my dress up, or go to the bathroom and accidently tuck my dress into my underwear!  I just felt that as a mother to 5 young kids it was more "practical" wearing pants. 
       How will my girls become Godly, modest, feminine women if I am not modeling that for them? Sure they can learn it from someone else. Why would I want someone else to be the influence in my childrens lives? God gave these children to ME to raise. He didn't give them to someone else! I am responsible for the way they dress, act, and live.
     That being said, I have revamped my wardrobe. Now I am not saying that I am ALWAYS going to wear dresses or skirts. I can't say that. I don't think that it is something that I HAVE to do. I do feel better about myself though when I am wearing something a little more dressy then my cotton knit capris ! Charlotte about peed her pants when I came out of the bedroom the other day wearing a dress (it was a casual dress). She said "oh Momma, I LOVE your dress, can you twirl?" Bless her heart! She was so thrilled that her momma was wearing a dress. If I can do something so simple to encourage her and build her up. Why not do it?
     If you are interested in a wonderful blog on modesty go to her site She is a woman much older and wiser than I. She is in the season of her life where she can help us younger women to understand why we should not  dress in a way that is provocative to men and our brothers in Christ. I HIGHLY recommend checking it out.
      I hope that you have a great week. I hope that it won't be another month before my next update! There are lots of exciting things happening here at the homestead!